Here is a little peak at a personal project I have been playing with over the past few months. I set myself the task of creating 'Comic Book Hero' style 'film stills' to play with a few ideas I had had knocking around my head. So I got on the phone and got a model (Zoe) and a make up artist (Jak) and hit the studio.

Poor Zoe always gets me asking her if its ok if we cover her in pretend sweat or rub black make up all over her face. This shoot was no exception. The first shot that I have posted here is the first where our 'Hero' gains her powers. Through out the series I hope to tackle a bank robbery, a train crash and the creation of her 'Super Suit' and cape. Poor Zoe really doesn't know what she has let herself in for....

So with the talent in place in front of the camera and the lightning captured many years ago all I needed was a background for our transformation. The back allys of Glasgow's Queen Street was the perfect backdrop for the dark and dingy look I was going for.
Keep an eye out for the next in the series: 'The Train'
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